Words on Stage
Best of Spoken Word feat. Lisa Christ, Olivia El Sayed, Stefanie Grob, Etrit Hasler, Simon Chen
Words on Stage is a spoken word variety show with Switzerland's best performance poets:
Lisa Christ is a virtuoso spoken word author and U20 Swiss Poetry Slam Champion. Her texts deal with everyday realities, the role of women in today's world and fundamental questions about life and identity - performed with stirring intensity and enigmatic humor.
Etrit Hasler is one of the pioneers and defining voices of Swiss slam poetry. As a mischievous charmer and fast talker with up to 270 words per minute, he has performed at hundreds of slams in Europe, Africa and America. A stunner!
Olivia El Sayed is a gifted storyteller who uses her stories to try to understand the world in all its beauty, absurdity and unpredictability. The result is like life itself: an entertaining, bittersweet delight - and nothing you want to miss.
Stefanie Grob is a master of satirical literature and probably the fastest Bernese in the world. She hurls her texts into the audience at an incredible words-per-minute level. She writes like she speaks: direct, funny and sharp-tongued.
The evening will be moderated by actor and brilliant wordsmith Simon Chen, who has also made a name for himself as a cabaret artist - witty, funny and bitingly wicked.
German / Swiss German
Simon Chen